As I told you last week, Strauss is an interesting guy. He generally goes just by the name “Strauss,” like “Cher” or “Liberace.” He once had business cards stating the same. Even his mother called him “Strauss.” And sure enough, when we met up with him last week in Stone Harbor, NJ, his wife Sue said to us, “Oh, Strauss is in the backyard.”
I met Strauss our first year at Carleton College in Northfield, MN, in 1970. We played together on the freshman basketball team. And while I later went on to have some degree of success as the captain of varsity my senior year, Strauss was the one who really loved the game. Where I last played competitive basketball 26 years ago in 1988, Strauss, now 63 years young, still plays pick-up ball several times a week year-round for the last, oh, let’s say, 59 years.
Like me, Strauss is a baseball freak. He’s the only guy I’ve met who can really challenge me in baseball trivia. A lot of casual fans know that Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in 1927. The more serious ones may know that the pitcher who served up the epic 60th long ball was Tom Zachary of the Washington Senators. But only extreme diehards such as Strauss and myself would know not only the name of the fan who caught the ball in the stands that fateful day, but also how old the fan was and his address (Answers: Joe Forner, 40 years old, 1927 1st Ave. N., Manhattan). That’s how we wasted our time as undergrads: searching the colleges microfilm archives of the “New York Times.”
Strauss went on to become an incredible writer, although I could certainly teach him a thing or three about blogging. He’s written for “Sports Illustrated,” “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” and the “New York Times” as well as hundreds of other publications. He currently free-lances and is working on a hard-hitting, journalistic masterpiece about some dippy couple RV’ing across the country. We’ll let you know when it gets published … in “The New York Times”!
OK, before we get on to “Our Week with Strauss,” I’ve got to talk about New Jersey. The way we figure it, the government of NJ has absolutely no faith in the intelligence of its citizens. They won’t let them pump their own gas (1 of only 2 states with such a law). Strauss’s daughter is 21, a college grad, and is now going away to North Carolina for her first job after college. Nevertheless, before she left the Strauss home in Haddonfield, NJ, Sue and Strauss had to teach her how to … PUMP GAS! SHE HAD NEVER PUMPED GAS BEFORE IN HER LIFE!
Say what?!
And they charge for just about everything: toll roads, toll bridges, toll alleyways.
OK,OK, … enough with the Jersey rant.
As you well know, Sunday, July 6, is a national holiday. After all, who can forget where they were on July 6, 1991, when Kaye and Stuart finally made it legal, matrimonial-wise at least. So, as soon as we reached the new campground in Clarksboro, we were off to celebrate our 23rd anniversary suitably clad in the same duds we wore on our wedding day – a Hawaiian shirt for me and a white, Hawaiian sundress for Diedre.
“And where were we headed this joyous day” you might ask? Why, to no place other than back to Stone Harbor, NJ, where we had just spent the previous day with the Strauss’s.
OK, on to Philadelphia. We were up early on the morning of Monday, July 7, since this would just be a six-day week in Philadelphia owing to the need to add an extra day to next week’s New York City trip in order to assure our attendance at two, not one, Major League Baseball games. We found Strauss meditating in his backyard in Haddonfield, NJ. He was just gearing up to face the commitment he had made when he had rashly volunteered to give us a personal tour of his town, his city, his “Philadelphia.”
We jumped into his car, “The Urban Assault Vehicle,” so named because of its lack of fear of being hit by other crazy Phillie drivers. As Strauss drove on in this “Urban Assault Tour,” (Copyright 2006) he gave us a few Philadelphia phirsts: the first drive-in movie theater; the first round-about.
The day’s tour included the following historical sites of classical Philadelphia, all conveniently located within walking distance of each other:
-Ben Franklin’s grave. You could see it through the cemetery bars, but the cost to enter was $2. As a quote attributed to Franklin said on the outside wall, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We didn’t go in, although we did save nearly 600-cents by tossing pennies on Franklin’s grave through the bars, this for some kind of luck … “good” I hope.
-The Liberty Bell. The housing for the bell was located about where Washington’s slave quarters were located. Hmmm … Different times, I guess.

As we were soaking in the atmosphere where they did the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence, Strauss had a question for me. He wanted to know where John McCain was sitting during the signing.
-The Dolly Madison House. This was a lovely three-story brick building. Strauss noted that there was a stoplight nearby, thus qualifying this abode as being in the “red-light” district.
-The Betsy Ross House. Diedre demanded we stop here so she could get some helpful hints for her crocheting. After all, legend has it Betsy stitched the first American flag in 1777.
This, indeed, had been a fine day. Seeing the room where our country started was big, maybe at least the 3rd greatest thing I would see that day … only after 2) the “Rocky” statue and 1) a visit to Three Stooge Larry Fine’s birthplace. Diedre `scoffed, announcing that having an original Philly Cheesesteak was her number one. I guess there’s just no accounting for taste.
On Tuesday, July 8, my streak of walking (3 miles)/exercising would reach 900 consecutive days, so we had to pick out a particularly significant site to traverse and mark the occasion. We came up with “The Bank Battlefield Park” hike. Here was a house owned by James and Ann Whitall that was commandeered for use as a fort to fight the British in a decisive battle in 1777. A very put-out Mrs. Whitall refused to watch the great conflagration, instead opting to sit in the basement and knit while watching CNN.
That night we continued the “900” celebration with a trip to the movies to see another of Hollywood’s newest method of story-telling: the prequel. “Malificent,” the real story behind Sleeping Beauty and the Wicked Witch, was actually pretty good. Now, we’re not big fans of Angelina Jolie ever since her part in that whole ”Brad and Jennifer break-up thing,” but we had to admit she did a nice job here.
The next day on the advice of our Philly guru, Mahatma Strauss, we took a day-trip to Princeton, NJ, home of Bill Bradley U and a great Revolutionary War battlefield. Once there, we decided to hike part of the route of General George Washington’s march by night from Trenton to Princeton where the Battle of Princeton, one of the fiercest battles of the American Revolutionary War, took place. This all happened on January 3, 1777, at the Thomas Clark House and farmland. Washington famously rallied his soldiers as he approached the Clark house, saying, “Parade with us, my brave fellows! There’s but a handful of enemy and we will have them directly!” The British general less famously uttered those fateful words: “Where the hell are my britches?”
On Friday, July 11, we made it to major league baseball stadium number 22 (out of 30), the Philadelphia Phillies' “Citizens Bank Park.” Once again, we braved the beastly traffic in Strauss’s “Urban Assault Vehicle,” fearlessly arriving at the stadium with nary a scratch.
Strauss and I opted to have our picture taken with the statue of longtime (50 years) manager of the Philadelphia Athletics, Cornelius McGillicuddy (better known as “Connie Mack”). And then there’s me with the statue of Hall of Famer and all-around good guy, Mike Schmidt.
We do love our sculptures. Another photo-op had Strauss and me warming up with legendary Phillie pitcher Robin Roberts. Note Strauss’s “Clay Dalrymple Wrong-Footed Throwing Style.”
I was enthralled by that, but Diedre and Jody seemed more charmed by the “Phillie Phanatic.”
We then had the good fortune to have our picture taken with the Phillies 1980 World Series trophy, the team’s first championship in their nearly 100-year existence. Gee, that even gives hope to Cubs’ fans.
OK, take a deep breath … and exhale slowly … and visualize yourself in your happy place … and then brace yourself:
New York City is next!
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